The Official Newspaper for Foster County

N.D. Long-term care deaths

MAYVILLE, N.D. – On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, the North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) reported the 1,000th death of a long-term care resident due to COVID-19. More than 2,000 North Dakotans have died since the beginning of the pandemic altogether.

Reuniting Residents and Families Task Force Chairman Christopher Larson released the following statement after the NDDoH report came out Wednesday morning:

“Today is a very tough day in North Dakota. Today’s sad milestone of 1,000 North Dakota long-term care resident deaths marks a grim moment during this COVID-19 pandemic. Our thoughts and prayers go out to each and every family across North Dakota who has lost a loved one during these past two years. We will never forget these residents, and their lives will live on in our hearts and minds forever.”

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