The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Pasta crossword winners

Ten responders were chosen as winners of the annual Pasta Month Puzzle Contest carried in this newspaper.

Chosen from the many who filled out the crossword puzzle, these ten winners will each receive a tote bag of goodies from the North Dakota Wheat Commission and pasta companies such as Dakota Growers Pasta Company of Carrington.

The event is held annually during October, designated as Pasta Month throughout the United States.

Local winners, who may pick up their tote bags at the Independent during open hours, include: Sandi Hoffman and Lori Laney of New Rockford; Carole Pepple and Cheryl Peterson of Carrington; Sydney Detenancour, Bowdon; Elva Topp, Fargo; Alice DeHoff, Binford; Francis House, Grace City; Gary Edinger, Pingree and Thomas Nichols, Sykeston.