The Official Newspaper for Foster County

From the Past: Lenz new director at Dakota Kids Daycare

75 Years Ago

April 29, 1948

Flying in military formation, planes from the Carrington Flying Service accompanied Soo Line train No. 3 as it pulled into the station here Saturday morning, April 24. Aboard the train were the bodies of Lt. James L. McCreary and Lt. Clarence L. Bonderud, killed during the battle for Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands campaign of World War II. The bodies were being returned by the War Department at the request of the parents for final burial in the Carrington Cemetery.

The Pleasant Valley 4-H Club with 18 members was organized last Thursday evening when families from Wyard and Longview townships met at the courthouse. Oscar Clapper was chosen president of the new club, Sharon Glaser secretary, Charlotte Fandrich vice president and Joe Fruhwirth treasurer. Local leaders for the club will be Mrs. LeRoy Butts for the girls and Ted Glaser for the boys.

At the Homemakers Club meeting Tuesday evening officers for the coming year were elected. They are: Mrs. R.F. Marcussen president; Mrs. Sylvan Lee, vice president; Mrs. J.J. Held, Sr. secretary and Mrs. A.J. Footitt, treasurer.

Friends and neighbors honored Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Carr at a housewarming party at their home Thursday evening. The evening was spent playing cards and a lunch was served by the self-invited guests. A coffee table was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Carr.

At a meeting Friday, April 23, in the armory were installed the new officers of McCreary-Bonderud auxiliary.

Art Lies, Don Engberg and William Chafee, winners of the essay contest read their essays at this meeting.

A white Bible was presented to the VFW Auxiliary by Mrs. Minnie McCreary of Marshmallow, Iowa, in memory of her son, James L. McCreary.

50 Years Ago

May 2, 1973

A musical production involving Carrington talent moved beyond the proposal stage as the Chamber of Commerce board of directors have put the official stamp of approval on the idea.

The idea, as it was proposed at the Chamber’s organizational meeting April 11, calls for a stage presentation involving local people. The production has been spoken of as a musical variety show or musical revue, possibly centered on a theme.

Several decisions by the Foster County Historical Society have advanced the probability of a museum for the county by fall.

The Society has authorized its secretary, Mrs. R.W. Hargrave of Carrington, to advertise for bids on a 50’ x 80’ steel building with 10 foot posts. A preliminary sketch of the building was prepared earlier by local builder Ben Hager, who will supervise construction.

Four McHenry High School juniors have been selected to attend Boys State and Girls state in June. The boys are Wesley N. Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Black and Thomas P. Frappier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Frappier,. Both are sponsored by Carl Bostrom Post 160 American Legion of McHenry.

McHenry American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor Ardell Olson to Girls State. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Olson. Sue Stangeland will attend Girls State by sponsorship of McHenry Merriettes homemakers. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stangeland.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wild, Sykeston, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Jane Marie, to Craig Robert Stern, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stern, Sykeston.

A bridal shower for Vickie Pretzer was held Friday evening at the Dale Pretzer home. Hostesses were Mrs. Ralph Duursma, Jr., Mrs. Fred Kling and Mrs. Charles Peterson.

25 Years Ago

May 4, 1998

McHenry’s bank will be reopened as a branch of the Farmer and Merchants State Bank of North Dakota Dept. of Banking.

Lori Lenz is the new director of Dakota Kids Daycare in Carrington. She is a Sutton native.

Bradley Rinas has been named the new high school principal at Carrington High School replacing long-time Al Larson next fall. Rinas had served Jamestown Middle School as assistant principal for the past three years.

Business of the quarter goes to Carrington Drug by the area Chamber of Commerce.

Employee of the month for April goes to Dodi Wiesz, a receiving assistant at Carrington’s Alco Store.

New Arrivals - Benjamin MaKay, born April 22 to Gerri Marchus and Ben McKay of New Rockford. Rosa Mila-Castaneda, born April 25 to Echo Mila and Oscar Castaneda of New Rockford. Kread Koepplin, born April 28 to Carol Davis and Aaron Koepplin of Carrington. William Bachmeier, born April 28 to Charolette and Arlan Bachmeier of Carrington. All babies were born at the Carrington Health Center.

Obituaries - Joan Walker, 54, Carrington, died April 27; Vivian Price, 76, Carrington died April 24; Thelma Daniels, 95, Sykeston died April 26.

Alissa Friezen, Carrington, class of 1999, will be participating in the 1998 National Youth Leadership Forum of Medicine. She was selected for her outstanding academic achievements and her interest in the profession of medicine.

Cathay News - Minerva Faul sang at Golden Acres Manor and attended the volunteer dinner at Golden Acres Manor Long Term Care in Carrington.

Alan Lund was home for the weekend, he returned Monday to work.

Toni and Brian Larson are the parents of a new baby boy at the Bismarck hospital.

Alice Haedt and Pam Seibold visited at the Golden Acres Manor on Saturday and Sunday.

Nordmore News - Rob and Karen Stenehjem and baby Sierra Eileen of Bismarck spent the past two weekends at her parents home, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis and sister Roberta.

Mrs. David Swanson and Andrew and Kirk Gussiaas spent a couple of days in Grand Forks where Andy spent time at the Areospace Center.

Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Swanson and also Rev. and Mrs. Charles Ellefson attended the eastern church convention held in Jamestown Saturday and Sunday at the Civic Center.