The Official Newspaper for Foster County

From the Past: Christ sets new high hurdles record

75 Years Ago

June 10, 1948

Several Carrington golfers participated in the tournament at Devils Lake Sunday and several prizes were brought back. A.G. Schultz won the first flight, Bud Bauley the second, Dr. R.F. Gilliand the third, Joe Sparrow the fifth and Frank Johnson the seventh. Bob Stitzer was runner-up in the third and Hunstad in the sixth. Other players from here were John Bauley, H.M. Knott and Gordon Stene.

Anna Lofstedt and Eileen Zink left Thursday for Jamestown where they will spend a week attending Girls State. Miss Lofstedt is sponsored by the Homemakers Club and Miss Zink by the Auxiliary.

Ellen Louis Fenneman of McHenry will receive the bachelor of science degree in education and the bachelor’s diploma in teaching at the University of North Dakota commencement exercises there June 11.

Mr. and Mrs. Hikling Johnson will leave Sunday on a trip to Sweden where they will visit Mr. Johnson’s relatives, including his 84-year-old mother, whom he has not seen in 20 years. They will travel by plane, and will land at Copenhagen, Denmark. From there they will go to Malmo, Sweden, where Hilding’s mother and brother reside.

Robert O’Neill became the owner of the City Dray and Transfer in a deal which closed on June 1. The former owners were Edwin Tollefson and the Sheets brothers.

A new conveyance for bringing eggs and cream to market has been inaugurated by Earl Miller. On Monday of this week he brought these commodities to Carrington by airplane. After getting his shopping done he loaded the egg crate, cream can and groceries into the plane and hopped home again.

Renewed activity in the drive for funds for the construction of a new hospital addition in Carrington got underway this week with Harry Upton engaged to conduct the canvass, it was announced by Phil Newharth, chairman of the hospital drive committee.

50 Years Ago

June 13, 1973

Florence Smith of Carrington was named “VFW” Treasurer of the Year” at the department convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of North Dakota held June 8-10 in Bismarck.

Steve Held’s distinguished career as a high school javelin thrower has ended, and he now carries the distinction of being an All-American. Steve placed second in his event at the All-American High School Championships at Drake-University in Des Moines. Second place at the Championships is considered equivalent to second in the nation as only those high-school athletes throughout the country who had performed at or near the top in their events were invited. Steve had been ranked No. 2 nationally.

The Carrington school board will remain all male as district voters elected two area farmers, George Erickson and Jerry Goheen, in balloting June 5. Voters turned out in the greatest numbers in recent years as the election featured a four-way contest between the successful candidates and Mrs. Kermit (Jeanette) Skadberg and Mrs. Virgil (Illa) Zink.

John Hendrickson, assistant postmaster at Carrington post office, attended a management conference in St. Paul on improving postal service on June 11 -12.

Roger Young of Moorhead has been appointed to the National Chamber of Commerce’s local advisory committee.

William Goter of Carrington has opened a real estate office in Bismarck with William Renz of Bismarck as salesmen.

David LeRoy Frederickson, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Frederickson, Carrington, has been accepted as a senior at Concordia College, St. Paul. He will transfer from Concordia Senior College, Fort Wayne.

Named to attend Girls State from Grace City was Kathleen Scanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Scanson.

25 Years Ago

June 15, 1998

Carrington voters returned Mayor Allan Metzger to office by a 99-vote margin in last week’s city election.

AgGrow Oils have a major production problem that has overshadowed the odor problem. The oil-crushing plant has been experiencing mechanical problems that will not allow full-capacity production. The contractor has agreed to complete “substantial” required changes, at their expense within 60 days.

Missy Montgomery of the Carrington FFA Chapter was elected Southeast Region Vice-president of the North Dakota FFA Association at the Annual State FFA Convention in Fargo.

A reception to officially welcome Dr. and Mrs. Brent Bruderer and the dedication of Presentation Gallery will be held this week.

Interactive TV in the classroom will get another look by the Carrington School District. Participation in the consortium was turned down by the district three years ago when the board felt the system did not offer significant benefit to the school system.

Evelyn Hennings is still going strong at Super 8 Motel. Evelyn celebrated her 78th birthday and is still working as desk clerk at the motel.

New arrivals - Tia Wallner, born June 3 to Lucinda and Steve Wallner of Bowdon. Devin Anderson born June 4, to Robbie Hickel and Leonard Anderson, Jr., Carrington. Casey Larson, born June 9 to Jenny and Brian Larson, Carrington.

Obituaries - Hilda I. Treffry, 77, New Rockford; Emelia Miller, 89, Carrington; Gustav Were, 80, Carrington.

Anniversaries - Gordon and Norma Berntson will observe their Golden Wedding anniversary on June 21. Pastor Berntson served Trinity Lutheran Church in Carrington from 1974 to 1986.

A CHS track record which had stood since 1971 was one of many that were erased this past track season by Cardinal runners. The longest running of the records was that of the 110 meter hurdles which was set back in 1971 by Brendon Lausch and tied in 1976 by George Reisnour, Jr. CHS senior Mike Christ is the new school record holder. He ran the high hurdles in 15.38 seconds.