The Official Newspaper for Foster County

From the Past: Couple's tractor journey for charity

75 Years Ago

June 24, 1948

H.M. Knott won the championship at the golf tournament held at New Rockford last Sunday, to head the list of Carrington golfers winning prizes. John Bauley of Carrington was medalist. Other winners were: A.G. Schultz, runner-up in the championship flight; Bob Stitzer, first flight winner; Bill Kunkel, runner-up in first flight; Floyd Neuharth, second flight runner-up; Steve Wenaas, second flight consolation.

T.H. Cousins, Jr., became the new owner of the business building formerly known as the Livestock Meat and Produce building, in a deal which was closed here Saturday. The sellers were Alvin Doering, now of East Stroudsburg, Pa., and Joe Hamel, now a resident of California. The building houses the Super Valu grocery store, operated by Sylvan Lee, and the meat market in the rear of the store, operated by Jack Petitt, now leased and operated by Leslie Footitt.

Carrington men attending the VFW convention in Minot this week were W.F. Caverly, Geo. Aljets, Clifford Overbeck, Frank Hewitt and Ralph Law. Attending sessions of the Auxiliary were Mrs. Clarence Scott, Mrs. Alvin Shenkel and Mrs. Geo. Aljets.

A reception was held in celebration of the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Winterer at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Cousins, Jr., Tuesday afternoon. All family members were present; Mrs. T.H. Cousins, Jr., E.J. Winterer and L.W. Winterer of Carrington; Roscow Winterer of Cooperstown; Mrs. Gerald Smith, Tacoma and Mrs. Ted Helmer of Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

The summer swimming program gets underway Thursday, June 24, with the Carrington school bus scheduled to make three trips to New Rockford every Tuesday and Thursday, leaving from the grade school grounds at 9:25 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 7 p.m.

50 Years Ago

June 27, 1973

The Bernard Kramer farm in Bucephalia Township was named the 1973 Achievement Program winner in the Foster County Soil Conservation District.

At least 300 former students, teachers and associates of McHenry High School are expected at a grand reunion at Red Willow Lake and McHenry Saturday and Sunday. Approximately that number has pre-registered and many more are expected, according to James Stage, chairman of the event.

Norman H. Hanson of Carrington was elected Central Region commander of the American Legion at the state convention held last weekend at Grand Forks.

Deputy Sheriff Dallas Marchus has notified the board of county commissioners of his resignation. Marchus has accepted an offer from the N.D. Air National Guard to work as a security technician at the Fargo Air Guard base.

“We’re not taking any credit, but we’re plenty glad it’s here,” Steve Reimers remarked last week. He was referring to the rain – 3.14 inches by his reckoning that was welcomed in the Carrington area the previous week. At a time when crops were suffering from a prolonged spring dry spell, Reimers spearheaded a drive on the part of a number of local farmers to shake some rain loose through cloud seeding. Reimers and the others associated with the effort concede that there is no way of knowing with certainty whether the cloud seeding actually induced rain. Where the credit lies – with man or nature – was far less important than the simple necessity of rain.

The marriage of Sandra Lange and Bruce Nygaard took place June 9 at 8 p.m. in Trinity Lutheran Church. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Reinhart Lange, Carrington, and Mr. and Mrs. Arden Nygaard, New Rockford.

25 Years Ago

June 29, 1998

National Guardsmen poured cement one warm day last week to complete a new shelter at Carrington City Park. The Guard has undertaken several local community projects as part of their summer camp training this year.

An Ohio couple stopped in Carrington briefly on their way to Alaska. The couple is making this trip using a 1950 John Deere tractor for transportation and a travel trailer for their living arrangements. Glen and Betty Martin felt a spiritual call to raise money for mission work for their church. The Martins sought pledges for their trip ranging from 1 cent a mile to 10 cents per mile based on the estimated 15,000 mile round trip that is planned.

Security State Bank of North Dakota, Carrington has been awarded first place in state competition for the bank’s outstanding community outreach efforts.

The NDSU Research Extension Center’s Livestock Unit is moving 30,000 cubic yards of clay in an ongoing project through the local National Guard unit. The Livestock Unit is preparing to do bison research at the center.

Michael Rexine, originally of Fessenden, graduated from the Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago, Ill. Mike will be working in Detroit Lakes, Minn., for the Lakes Northwest Eye Center. He is the son of Kenny and Billie Rexine of Fessenden.

Obituariees – Edward J. Myer, 92, Carrington died June 19; Mervin (Micky) Whetham, 74, New Rockford died June 20.

New Arrivals – girl, Adrianna, born June 23 to Greg and Heather Klocke, New Rockford.

Engagements – Artel Cole and Jason Guthmiller; parents of the couple are Beth and Monte Cole, Jamestown and Vernon and Betty Guthmiller of Pettibone. Carrie Erickson and Russell Sorenson; parents of the couple are Harold and Bev Erickson, Carrington, and Richard and Dora Sorenson, Beulah.

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