The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Pedaling across the continent

A Seattle couple is on a journey that has little to do with their day jobs. What started out as a dream became a reality after years of planning a cycling trip across the U.S. and Canada. Breanne Schuster and Robbie Sepler are on a 4-month cycling trip that started in Seattle, Washington and will end in Newfoundland, Canada.

Robbie Sepler is originally from Washington state and grew up cycling. He fell in love with the sport after watching Lance Armstrong win his first Tour de France. Cycling for around 25 years, one of Sepler's dreams has been to bike across the country.

Schuster met Sepler around 10 years ago and started doing events around Seattle with him, slowly getting into the woods and bike tours. During the pandemic, they became more interested in cycling as it was a great way to be outside and see cool things.

In total, this bicycling tour will end up being around 4,000 miles, the longest either of them will have traveled on a tour. Previously, the longest tour they have completed together has been 7 days; although, Sepler has completed an 11-day tour before.

"In order to do the trip in the time we have, we need to average about 55-60 miles a day. Our longest day so far has been like 87 miles," Sepler remarked. The two plan to be done with their tour around October 1.

The journey started on June 2 with the couple leaving Seattle with 10-12 of their closest friends. For a few nights, the group biked on a state trail and up into the Cascade Mountains. From there, the group split ways with Schuster and Sepler continuing while their friends traveled back to the city.

Schuster and Sepler's journey has been filled with excitement, interesting weather and kindness.

After traveling through Washington state, the couple biked up through Canada. Something they have learned on the road is how to stay flexible. Despite planning, nature and other conditions are not always accommodating.

"Originally, we thought we were going to be able to do Banff and Calgary, but due to the fires and a number of other conditions we kind of pivoted. But we still got to explore," Schuster commented.

From British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, the two traveled further south into North Dakota.

Sepler has an uncle from Fargo. After hearing what he had to say about the area, the couple is very excited to see more of North Dakota.

One thing they remarked on is the kindness of the people they have met, especially in North Dakota. They love meeting new people and sharing stories and drinks with them, like they had the opportunity to do in Carrington.

"That was probably one of the highlights about our trip in North Dakota, at least so far, was really in Carrington, I think."

They have a lot of support, amongst some anxiety and fear, from their friends and family for their biking trip. Traveling exclusively on bicycle and carrying everything with them brings stress about day-to-day survival (food, water, shelter) in ways that they never have had to think about before. Sepler usually plans the route while Schuster finds places for them to stay at night. However, sometimes they are forced to reroute depending on where they can stay.

One of the tools they have utilized on their journey is Warm Showers, a non-profit hospitality exchange service for people engaging in bicycling touring. With this service, they have been able to meet some incredible people who have shared their homes, home-cooked meals, access to a bathroom, etc.

Schuster and Sepler are excited for the journey ahead. "We have family in Minnesota and Wisconsin, so we wanted to be able to see that part of the U.S. too."

The couple will also travel to Michigan before heading back up to Canada, ending in Newfoundland.

Schuster and Sepler have known for years they have wanted to do a tour like this, it was just a matter of deciding, planning, and saving up to do it. "It seems like it's going to line up for this summer. Our lease is going to be expiring. We don't have kids. We don't have a mortgage. We have a great opportunity for a sabbatical for Breanne, so this is the time to do it!"

For now, Breanne Schuster and Robbie Sepler are excited to be in the Midwest and cannot wait for the rest of their journey.