The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Vision Zero challenging drivers to Buckle Up, Put Phones Down

Law enforcement across the state will have extra patrols to enforce the state’s distracted driving law during the month of September.

Distracted driving is more than just taking your eyes off the road. It also includes taking your hands off the wheel or taking your mind off driving. Distracted driving takes on many forms; however, texting is one of the most common across the nation.

Vision Zero has joined other states and cities across the nation in Buckle Up, Phone Down (BUPD) to remind drivers of the importance of wearing a seat belt along with driving distraction-free.

All North Dakotans, including businesses, organizations and schools can encourage seat belt use and put an end to distracted driving by:

• Taking the pledge. Put on your seat belt and put down your phone when you drive so that your body and your attention stay where they need to be. Or, if you’re a passenger, encourage the person driving to wear their seat belt and put their phone down.

• Wearing your seat belt. Every seat, every trip, every time.

• Putting your phone down. Place your phone in your glove box, put it in the back seat, give it to a passenger or turn it off while driving!

• Spreading the word. Are you a business or organization? Introduce BUPD to your staff, enact policies that require drivers to wear their seat belts and drive distraction-free and share this initiative through social media. Visit Buckle Up, Phone Down for resources to get involved.

This campaign is part of the Vision Zero strategy to eliminate motor vehicle crash fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads.

Visit the North Dakota Crash Memorial Wall to view memorials built on the hope of preventing another death on North Dakota roads.

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