The Official Newspaper for Foster County

From the Past: McHenry girls defeat New Rockford

75 Years Ago

September 30, 1948

Mrs. Dave Montgomery of Carrington was elected president of the district Rebekah Lodge, at a meeting of representatives from Kensal, Sutton, Valley City, Barlow, Binford and Carrington, held here Tuesday. Mrs. June Johson was elected vice president. Mrs. Bailey of Sutton secretary and Mrs. Ellen Garland of Barlow treasurer.

The menace of dogs running at large on the school grounds has reached such serious proportions that some action must be taken to keep them away, it was declared this week by Norman H. Hanson, superintendent. He reports one child has been bitten and other children in danger because of the dogs, some which are vicious.

P.T. Anderson, 82, for 48 years a resident of Foster County, and 28 years of Grace City, died suddenly of a heart attack Tuesday.

Summoned at 6:30 a.m. Friday morning, the fire department helped subdue a fire which started in the refrigerator in the Phillip Brennan apartment in the Ed A. Johnson building. There was considerable smoke from the fire, but the fire was put out before any other contents of the apartment were damaged.

A district meeting of the Eddy Foster Boy Scout district will be held at the S&S Coffee Shop, Carrington, on Wednesday, Oct. 6 at 6:30 p.m. Dr. E. J. Sachwing-Hammer, district chairman, and Phil Newharth district vice-chairman, urge all cubbers and scouters to attend this important meeting.

Mrs. Martha Rindy, entertained the Sykeston Woman’s Club at her home Thursday afternoon, the first meeting of the year. Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis of Fessenden was a guest.

A farewell party on Tuesday, September 28 was held in the 100 F Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Laughlin, who are leaving today for Portland, Ore., to make their home. The Dover Community Sewing Club was hostess.

50 Years Ago

October 2, 1973

King Tim Heinley and Queen Julia Haen were crownded CHS Homecoming royalty and then whisked to a parade down Main Street. Both are seniors as are their attendants, Steve Looysen and Barbara Schroeder and Dan Zink and Marlene Hoffman.

Among structures going up in the building boom in the rural Carrington area is a barn that will be unique in Foster County. It is a hog barn which will house up to 800 feeder pigs when finished. The barn is the project of two brothers, Larry and Philip Lura, of Birtsell Township, the Luras, along with a third brother, Kevin, poured concrete floors last week and expect to have the structure in operation this winter.

Candy Clark is the candidate of Rough Riders Saddle Club of Carrington to compete for Queen for N.D. Horse Show Association at Grand Forks, Oct. 13-14.

Carrington will be the site of the annual fall meeting of the District 7 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Oct. 14. VFW delegates will gather at the local VFW club rooms beginning at 2 p.m.

McHenry girls’ basketball team handed New Rockford its first loss of the season with a 52-29 win. Leading scorer for McHenry was Kim Larson with 10. Other scorers; Janet Becker 10, Laurie Erickson 8, Ardell Olson 7, Wanda Stage 5, Susan Overby 4. For New Rockford Debby Myhre was high with 14.

Capt. Lewis E. March has been awarded a German marksmanship badge while serving at Hanau, Germany, with the U.S. Army.

A layette shower for Mrs. Richard Biel was held Friday evening at the home of Cheryl Rudolph. Assisting her were Mrs. Lyle Neuman, Joan Schmit and Mrs. Vincent Schmit, Bordulac, Mrs. Robert Biel and Deborah Biel.

Peggy Schroeder, a 1973 graduate of Valley City State College, has signed a teaching contract at Gackle. Graduating with a major in elementary and math, Peggy will teach at the elementary level. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schroeder.

25 Years Ago

October 5, 1998

Pattie Patrie from rural Bowdon has a gift shop that complements their family raspberry operation southeast of Bowdon. The berry patch has grown into an industry for the Patrie family, and is visited each summer by local and curious passerbys from out of the state.

Vicky Triplett, Carrington city auditor, was awarded the 1998 City Employee of the Year Award at the annual League of Cities conference held recently in Minot.

Judge Jim Bekken and his father, Ralph Bekken, were honored in Stanley, North Dakota for their service in Mountrail County Court. Judge Jim Bekken and Ralph Bekken, his father, was elected County Judge in 1982 and were the only father and son serving as trial judges at the same time. Judge Ralph Bekken was recognized for his service as States Attorney, County Justice and County Judge for Mountrail County.

Truss rafters were set in place and construction continues on the new sports bar and storage addition at the Chieftain Conference Center. The new bar/lounge is expected to be in operation in December.

Area obituaries - Margaret Silkey, 85, Carrington; Robert B. Mechtle, 81, New Rockford; Ronald John Schwalk, 55, Woodworth; Mabel Beach, 90, New Rockford.

One of the portable new homes built by Central City Lumber went down the road recently when Carrington House Moving added wheels for a journey to Zap, N.D.

Sykeston News - Troy and Connie Hafner are the proud parents of a baby boy, named Tanner, born Sept. 19 at the Carrington Health Center.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kurtz attended the wedding of James and Natoma Buskness at Woodworth on Saturday, Sept. 12.

Roxanne Kutz and children of New Rockford were Saturday visitors at the Clinton and Catherine Kutz home. Brenda and children joined them for lunch.

Marlene Grager, Kim, Shania and Tami attended the craft show at Fort Ransom on Saturday.

Louise Garman hosted a 44th wedding anniversary dinner at the Sykeston Country Café Sunday in honor of Edwin and LouAnn Huss.