The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Eggermont receives the 2023 Leadership Excellence Award

Casey Eggermont, née Cables, Harwood City Auditor, received the 2023 Leadership Excellence Award for an Appointed Official from the North Dakota League of Cities (NDLC) during the League's 2023 Annual Conference on Sept. 23.

A city auditor plays an essential role in ensuring and promoting transparency, accountability, and responsible stewardship of public resources within municipal governments. Their work helps to identify areas for improvement, reduce financial and operational risks, and ultimately enhance the quality of services provided to the community. Eggermont has been in her position since 2016.

Some examples of Eggermont's contributions include:

• Contributions to the Park Board, Planning and Zoning Board, and other various committees,

• Serves numerous communities as an auditor,

• Relentlessly pursues opportunities that can benefit others,

• Selflessly gives her time and effort to worthy causes,

• Volunteers and advocates,

• Established an enormous resource bank of professionals in a variety of fields that she utilizes often to confirm efficient and effective functions in the workplace.

• Committed to community improvements and maintenance of the health, wellness, and safety of its residents.

• Driving force behind the accumulation of various grants for city projects.

"After our city's auditor passed away, Ms. Eggermont assisted the city of Argusville to help maintain accurate records and simplify our end-of-month. She continues to be of assistance to me, the mayor, and the interim auditor as we navigate this process. The City of Argusville is very grateful for Ms. Eggermont's ability to step in and do so with such ease. Ms. Eggermont's ability to manage time and tasks for the assortment of organizations and contributions for the City of Harwood and beyond is nothing short of exceptional," says Jenna Saewert, Argusville City Council Member.

Casey Eggermont has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities, skills, and accomplishments in her position as Harwood's city auditor and is deserving of this year's award," says Matt Gardner, Executive Director of NDLC.

Eggermont was the Foster County Auditor for a time prior to moving to Harwood. She is a 2007 graduate of Midkota High School.

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