The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Foster County 4-H'ers take second in state range judging

The Foster County junior team finished second in the state 4-H range judging contest near Mandan on Sept. 21.

The team was led by Cainen Stangeland, who finished third out of 21 contestants. Kadence Spickler was fifth in the event.

Three of the Foster County 4-H'ers were competing in range judging for the first time.

The range judging contest consists of three ecological sites and two range plant identification sites.

Participants evaluate the soil type, slope, plant content, and current condition of the range at each site. Based on this information, the contestants then recommend best management practices.

Each plant identification site consists of 15 plants. The participants identify the plant and indicate various traits of the species.

The range judging contest also includes a team problem related to a range situation. Teams work together to calculate the appropriate stocking rate and management practices.

The Foster County Range Judging team is coached by Joel Lemer and Missy Hansen.