The Official Newspaper for Foster County

From the Past: New minister at Calvary Baptist Church

75 Years Ago

October 7, 1948

The Rev. Wilmer Quiring of Emo, Kansas, has accepted an appointment as pastor in Calvary Baptist Church, Carrington, and is expected to arrive here late in November to take up permanent duties. He will succeed Rev. A. Itterman who resigned and left in August.

Wheeler’s Service Station, Carrington, is one of 10 in the state which won honors in a Standard Oil tire sale contest. As a reward, a representative of the station is entitled to a free trip to the Atlas Tire Factory. All expenses for the representative will be paid by Standard Oil F.R. Wheeler, proprietor of the station, said Reinhard Heinitz, one of the employed, has been selected to make the trip.

Lawrence Peterson and Son, local automobile sales and repair firm, is now located in a new building in the southwest part of town on Highway 281. The building made of cement blocks, was constructed by the Peterson family during the past summer.

Walter H. Larson, local Polled Shorthorn breeder, left Sunday for Des Moines, Iowa, where he was to be judge at Polled Shorthorn show and sale. He was accompanied by Mrs. Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anwiler.

Relatives here have learned that the casketed remains of Clinton Albus, a World War II victim, will be taken to Fort Snelling cemetery for burial. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albus of Portland, Ore. He was born and reared near Carrington,

Injured when a tractor he was driving overturned, Orville Duane Krueger, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Krueger, 7 miles south of Heaton, died on the way to the Carrington Hospital, Saturday evening.

The Carrington Cardinals lost their first game in two years as Casselton downed them 6-0 on the local field last Friday night.

50 Years Ago

October 10, 1973

James Fischer, one of two men who were rescued after being adrift at sea for 73 days, died of after-effects of the ordeal. He was brother-in-law of Mrs. Kurby Bechthold of Heaton. Lone survivor of the tragedy is Robert Tinenenko, brother of Mrs. Bechthold. He, his wife and Fischer were on a sailboat that capsized about 900 miles from San Francisco as the three were enroute to Costa Rica. Mrs. Tinenenko died at sea.

Mr. and Mrs. John Becker were issued one of five building permits for new residences in Carrington this summer. They found a lot on the northwest edge of the city with a southern exposure they wanted for their trees. Through a picture window in back, John will be able to look out at the Burlington northern tracks. The Beckers are building their new home themselves.

Airman Laverne E. Scheen Jr. of Carrington has been assigned to Lowry AFB, Colo., after completing Air Force basic training. He has been assigned to the Technical Training Center at Lowry for specialized training in the ammunitions and weapons maintenance field. Airman Scheen, is a 1973 graduate of Carrington.

Houses for Sale in Carrington - 579 Sixth Ave. South; 684 South Second; 244 Fourth Ave.S; 722 North Fifth; and 365 Sixth Ave. S.

Congratulations to the winners in the local Punt-Pass-and-Kick: 8 years - Kelly Joe Schmidt; 9 years - Tom Semmens; 10 years - Mark Miller; 11 years - Howard Berglund; 12 years - Paul Klocke and 13 years - Douglas Bergland.

Good Year Special - snow tires (new suburbanite polyester) 2 for $33.00

Super Valu specials - boneless Morrell hams $1.49/ lb., Swiss Steak $0.99/ lb., Chuck Roast $1.19/ lb., Flav-o-rite Frozen dinners $0.49, Lipton’s Onion Soup Mix $0.39.

Rosenau Equipment used tractors - JD 5020, cab, air, dual 24.5X32 tires, new motor, excellent/ JD 5010 Meade cab, 24, 5x32 with 18.4x38 duals/ Oliver 2655m 4 wheel drive, cab, air, dual hyd., L.P.T.O., T.A., 3000 hrs., Excellent

Gate City Savings CD rates - 5.75% 90 day $1,000 minimum; 6.5% 1 year $1,000 minimum ; 6.75% 30 month $5,000 minimum; 7.25% 4 year $10,000 minimum.

25 Years Ago

October 12, 1998

People don’t want to lose their right of electing their county sheriff, Stutsman County Sheriff Dave Orr says. Twenty-six thousand North Dakotans signed a petition to bring the issue to the Nov. 3 general election.

Jessica Rindy, a Carrington High School junior, and Lindsy Holth a CHS sophomore, were chosen for the Just for Kix National Dance Team. They will be flying to Tampa to perform during the Outback Bowl halftime on New Year’s Day.

Dr. Covington will commute to CHC from his home in Perham, Minn., and will be part of the courtesy staff at Carrington Health Center. He will not be doing any calls.

A house fire on West Main Street in Carrington caused an estimated $20,000 in damages on Monday, Oct. 5. The home was owned by Bob Biel, Jr. It suffered heavy smoke and heat damage to the interior. No one was home when the fire was discovered about 10:30 a.m.

Della Wolff was named Employee of the Month for September by the Carrington Chamber of Commerce. Della, was an employee of Seaburg Drug for 16 years, is retiring this week.

Gerald Paulson was named a Melvin Jones Fellow by the Lions Club International. This represents the highest honor bestowed by the service organization.

New Arrivals - Kate Leona, 7 pounds 14 oz. was born to Michelle and Mike Hayes, Carrington at Carrington Health Center on Oct. 1; Liam Shawn, born Oct. 5, to Terri and Jeremy Kruse, Carrington, 9 pounds 15 oz.

Area Obituaries - Theresa Knott, 87, of New Rockford.

Sutton News - Katie Bailey, Dianna Jackson and June Johnson attended a meeting of the Rebakah Lodge meeting at Devils Lake Sunday.

Dorothy and Elvy Isgrig visted with Ruth Harrington Saturday afternoon.

Bob Bailey came from Fargo Tuesday to help his dad. Bob Bailey, got his house ready for the winter, prior to leaving for the winter months in California.

A large group of people attended the soup, sandwich and pie dinner sponsored by the Lutheran Aid. They also had a bake sale and raffle chances. The quilt was won by Virginia Iverson - Cooperstown, Doily - Janice Thompson of Glenfield and a painted picture - Shirley Barnes, Courtenay.

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