The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Local 4-H'ers judge dairy at national contest

Foster County 4-H'ers represented North Dakota at the 101st National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest in Madison, Wisconsin, on October 1, 2023.

More than 70 4-H'ers from around the nation competed in the event.

The Foster County team did well, missing a top ten finish by just 46 points.

Participants judged two classes each of Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein and Jersey.

There was also a class of Milking Shorthorn and Red and White.

Individually, Molly Hansen finished third in Brown Swiss and ninth in Jersey. Karlee Lesmann finished eighth in Guernsey.

The 4-H'ers thank the following businesses and organizations for providing funds to cover the team's travel expenses: Woodworth American Legion, Foster County Farm Bureau and AgCountry Farm Credit Services.

Missy Hansen and Joel Lemer coached the team.