The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Benefit for Speldrich Dec. 2

Through it all, Connie Speldrich does her best to keep taking her life day-by-day.

Recent health scares have knocked her down, but she keeps getting up, and the fighting spirit within her keeps shining bright.

The Sykeston native will have a soup and sandwich benefit in her honor at the Sykeston Fire Hall Saturday, December 2 from 5-7 p.m. The event will also include a 50/50 drawing, rifle board, quilt boards and a live auction, with all proceeds going towards Connie's mounting medical expenses.

Back in April, Connie fractured both her hip and wrist in a fall. A rod was placed to stabilize her hip, while she worked hard to rehabilitate from the injuries during therapy sessions in Fargo at PAM Rehabilitation.

While there and upon coming back to Carrington, Connie had physical and occupational therapy, but the injuries have started to take a toll on her overall health.

Connie's ordeal has caused significant weight loss, and she has suffered bouts of weakness while trying to recuperate.

Due to this change, she has needed additional assistance in care. Intra-family discussions led to the decision to have Connie move to Golden Acres.

It was discovered, in looking at her medical history, that she was prescribed a heart medication nine years ago. The drug affected her system to the point that she was diagnosed with digoxin ("dig") toxicity.

Once the medication was cleared from her system, Connie became more alert, vibrant, and started eating and walking a little bit. However, in the next few days, she had another setback, as she started to retain fluid on her heart, lungs and legs.

She was admitted to CHI St. Alexius Health CMC to remove the fluid, but was not losing it fast enough, so she was transferred to Essentia Health in Fargo. There, the fluid levels were reduced, and it was determined that her pacemaker battery had to be replaced.

Upon successful surgery to replace the battery, Connie's health gradually improved. Following a four-day stay, she went back to Golden Acres.

Now at Golden Acres Manor, she and her family hope she is beginning to turn the corner. She is now eating, and continuing her physical and occupational therapy, and is determined to fully heal.

Connie is very thankful for all the health care providers, the visits from family and friends, and all the thoughts and prayers.

An account has been set up at Gate City Bank in Carrington for those donors who wish to aid Connie with financial help.

Donations are currently being taken for the live auction. Contact Kim Speldrich at (701) 649-6433, Charlotte Bachmeier at (701) 307-0195, or Deanna Haugen at (701) 653-5563 to submit your items.

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