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Myopia Management

We are very proud that we are expanding our scope of care in Myopia Management.

Read more about how a new FDA Approved contact lens can be life-changing for your child.

What Is Myopia?

Myopia is a progressive and irreversible eye disease. Its common vision symptom is nearsightedness or the inability to see distant objects clearly. The underlying cause of myopia is due to the eye growing longer than it should.

The eye with myopia is longer from front to back than the eye without myopia. Generally, as the eye grows longer, visual impairment becomes more drastic.

What Causes Myopia?

Genetics and lifestyle choices: When parents have myopia, there is a good chance that it will be passed on. Lifestyle choices like spending insufficient time outdoors, prolonged time spent reading, working, or playing with digital devices, and poor lighting levels may influence the development of myopia.

Long Term Myopia Implications:

96% of childhood onset myopia worsens as the child grows. Myopia progression left untreated increases the risk of sight-threatening conditions later in life, including, retinal detachment, myopic maculopathy, glaucoma, and cataract.

Myopia Management:

Spending time outdoors with natural lighting is probably the most widely supported lifestyle choice that can protect against the onset of myopia. From a lifestyle perspective, the goal would be to maximize outdoor time, optimize indoor lighting, take breaks from near work and working on digital devices, and have healthy sleep and nutrition habits.

What If My Child Is Already Myopic?

Lifestyle changes may slow the rate of myopic progression. There is now a contact lens the that can slow the progression of myopia, MiSight® 1 day.

How Effective Is MiSight® 1 Day?

MiSight® 1 day is the first and only FDA-approved* daily disposable soft contact lens proven to slow the progression of myopia in children, aged 8-12 at initiation of treatment.

MiSight® 1 day contact lens slowed the progression of myopia in 95% of age-appropriate children by 59% on average.

Age-appropriate children wearing MiSight® 1 day contact lens progressed less than -1.00D on average over 6 years.

Myopia control treatment gains were retained over 12 months after treatment ceased indicating there is no rebound effect.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call Family Vision Center at 701-652-2020.