The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Basement price tag draws citizen criticism

Not everybody in the county is happy about the courthouse basement renovation.

At the Foster County Commission meeting last week, commissioner Pat Copenhaver told the board that some residents are questioning the cost of the project.

During the meeting held on Tuesday, January 2, Copenhaver said people are calling him, saying that there are more important things in the county that need repair, such as roads and some of the county shops.

He also said he is concerned about the county running out of money after the renovation is paid for.

Commissioner Alan Scanson explained to Copenhaver why they need to renovate the courthouse basement.

"Seven years ago, when we were all elected, we agreed as a board to maintain the courthouse instead of building a new one," Scanson said.

Commissioner Becky Hagel also explained that the county has money from ARPA and other sources that cannot be spent on roads, so they can use that money on the basement.

Copenhaver said that people are against the project, and will fight it.

• The board also discussed the temporary relocation of the basement offices.

The building committee met to discuss the relocation.

Commission chairman David Utke said they are still in the preliminary stages, so no decision has been made where to store unused items during the demolition and construction phases, as well as where to house those offices in the meantime.

In other business:

• Foster County State's Attorney Kara Brinster told the board that the ambulance board has completed their changes to the building contract, and now it has to be reviewed before it can be signed and sent back.

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