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CHS Co-op Placement students: February 5, 2024

The Co-op Placement Program at Carrington High School provides opportunities for many students to gain experience and provide businesses with assistance during the school year. The Carrington Chamber & EDC organization would like to share information about each student and what they are learning while in the Co-op Program this year. Missy Hansen is the Agricultural Education and FFA Advisor and is the coordinator of the Co-op Placement Program.

Leading Edge Equipment is where you will find Hayden House. He completes various jobs such as oil changes, sweeping floors, taking out the garbage, etc. His favorite job is completing oil changes. Learning how to work efficiently and getting to work on time are two skills that Hayden Has learned at Leading Edge. When asked about his least favorite chore Hayden responds, "Cleaning the floor drain!"

Peyton Spitzer spends his co-op hours at Spitzer Farms where washing equipment is one of his least favorite chores. Other than that, Peyton is working in the shop, driving tractor and doing office work. His favorite activity is driving tractor. When asked about the skills that he is learning, he says "I'm learning management, bookkeeping and grain marketing skills."

Wyatt Weninger works at Carrington Motors. Wyatt says, "I do a little bit of everything like sanding, painting, oil changes, and sometimes go to the diesel shop." His favorite task is servicing cars doing oil changes. Sanding fill and glaze coat are his two least favorite activities. Wyatt says he is learning skills such as how to paint and good ways to sand.