The Official Newspaper for Foster County

ND G&F offers summer workshops for educators

The North Dakota Game and Fish Department is sponsoring professional development for educator workshops this summer in Minot and Dickinson.

Pollinators in the Classroom will be held June 10-11 at North Central Extension Station in Minot. The workshop will explore pollinators, what they are, where they live, life cycles, importance, and how you can make a difference. Students will receive a copy of the Urban Pollinator Program Curriculum, and should be prepared for walking field trips in the area. All materials are included.

Habitats of North Dakota: A New Generation of Lessons will be offered June 18-19 at Dickinson State University, Dickinson. The North Dakota Habitats curriculum and new Habitats Lesson Plans will be used as textbooks. The workshop will be fun and fast paced with many hands-on activities educators can use in their classrooms, discussion of classroom and curriculum integration, and walking field trips, weather permitting. All supplies are provided.

For more information contact curriculum specialist Sherry Niesar at 701-527-3714. Register at