The Official Newspaper for Foster County

An eye for animals

CHS FFA state champions in livestock judging

For the first time in 17 years, the Carrington FFA Livestock Judging Team brought home the State Champion trophy in Livestock Judging.

The team has been competing in events since the beginning of February, culminating at the state competition held in Minot on Monday, March 18.

Earlier this year, the team placed third in Napoleon, fourth at NDSU, first in Kindred, third in Lisbon and first in Carrington.

Individually, several members have placed in the top 10 throughout the season.

In Napoleon, Cally Hansen placed sixth and Molly Hansen placed tenth. At the Little "I" contest held at NDSU, Molly Hansen placed first. In Kindred, Molly Hansen placed second.

At the Lisbon contest, Cally Hansen placed second and Emma Aberle placed ninth. In Carrington, Molly Hansen and Isabel Wendel tied for second, Cally Hansen placed sixth and Cyrena Kuss tied for tenth.

At the state contest, 208 individuals representing 68 FFA chapters competed. The team placed first, earning the opportunity to represent North Dakota at the National FFA Convention in October.

Molly Hansen placed first as an individual, earning the coveted FFA "Baby Bison" and a $250 cash award. Isabel Wendel tied for the fifth place individual, Cally Hansen placed 13th, Cyrena Kuss placed 28th and Emma Aberle placed 29th. The team is coached by Missy and Jory Hansen.

The FFA Livestock Judging competition involves placing six classes of livestock and presenting three sets of oral reasons explaining the student's placing.

The students also complete a keep/cull using performance data and a 25-question written test.