The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Crackdown on clutter

Carrington Police Department to enforce city junk ordinance

There has been a growing concern in the Central City recently, namely unlicensed vehicles, building materials and tires littering the yards of residents.

In response to this issue, the city council has directed Carrington Chief of Police Chris Bittmann to educate residents about Chapter 34 of the city ordinances, known as the "junk ordinance."

According to Bittmann, the primary goal of this ordinance is to promote a clean and aesthetically pleasing community, while also seeking to deter crime and reduce the prevalence of varmints and rodents in the area.

"While some residents may argue that they have the right to do as they please on their own property since they pay taxes, it is important to recognize that ordinances and regulations are in place for the greater good of society," said Bittmann. "By enforcing this Junk Ordinance, the town of Carrington is taking proactive steps to create a safer and healthier environment for all its residents."

Unlicensed vehicles, building materials, and tires on residential properties can create several hazards and unfavorable conditions, Bittmann added. Not only do these items detract from the overall appearance of the town and diminish property values, but they can also pose a safety risk to residents.

Further, abandoned vehicles and piles of building materials can become breeding grounds for vermin and rodents, which can spread disease and cause damage to homes. By removing these items from yards, city leaders aim to mitigate these risks and create a more livable community for everyone.

Beginning April 1, the Carrington Police Department will begin documenting properties in violation of the junk ordinance and issue letters to the residents or property owners. Once notified, the owners will have 60 days to remove the items in violation with no penalty.

That will allow residents 60 days to remove such items from their property. After the 60 days, if the violation of City Ordinance chapter 34 is not in compliance, an infraction will be cited to the owner.

The full ordinance is available to view and download on the city website:

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