The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Letters: Possible closing of armory

Dear Editor:

We were disheartened to hear that the Carrington Armory may be closing due to vandalism.

Many of us appreciate the use of the armory for inclement weather, and even in the summer, we have cool, windy days.

Some older walkers have balance problems that often prohibit them from walking on uneven surfaces. Some of our walkers are recovering from knee/hip surgeries. The Armory provides a safe, stable solution.

We do understand that the Armory is being used and abused by some as we can attest to cans, paper wrappers, spilled pop and unkempt bathrooms. No one enjoys continuously cleaning up after careless patrons. The Armory should not be a place to drop off unsupervised youth.

We believe that there are a number of solutions that could take care of the problem, and still allow this wonderful building to be utilized.

No one wants to be the watchdog for unsupervised kids, so maybe time limits could be considered. If games or other activities are scheduled, a responsible adult NEEDS to be present. We do hope that a reasonable solution can be found.

Garry and Marlene Boyer

Carrington, ND