The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Property tax value 'increase' explained

"No, it doesn't mean property taxes in Carrington are increasing," said Foster County Tax Equalization Director Karen Evans at the Foster County Commission meeting last week.

During the meeting held on Tuesday, April 2, Evans explained that to be in compliance with the state, she had to increase the sales ratio.

"I sent out 594 notices of tax increases in the City of Carrington. That isn't counting the county notices," said Evans.

"The reason for the notices is because our sales ratio had dropped down to 84 percent. I had to bring it up to 90 percent to be in compliance with the state, but that doesn't mean property taxes are increasing," said Evans.

In other business:

• The board discussed their concern about trucks hauling for the Red River Valley

Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) and damaging the roads.

• Chris Thomas of EAPC Architects and Engineers attended the meeting via telephone to give the board an update on the basement project.

He talked about buying new doors instead of using doors from the old sheriff's residence.

Commission president David Utke told the board that he and auditor Ellen Roundy looked at options for shelving for the basement vaults.

A motion was passed to purchase four shelving units from Menards at $349 each.

• Roundy talked about courthouse door security.

She said they have a Homeland Security grant to help with the cost of the project and said the total project cost is $15,000 with $9,000 coming from the county general fund. No action was taken at the meeting.

• Roundy also said the courthouse will return to summer hours starting May 6.

Summer hours will be Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (closed over noon hour) and Friday - 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. (open over noon hour).

• The board briefly discussed the property tax measure on the general election ballot and the information they learned about it at the commissioner's summit they attended in Bismarck last month.