The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Carrington Garden Club held annual spring forum

The Carrington Garden Club held their "Spring into Spring" garden forum on Thursday, March 21 at the NDSU Extension Center.

The guest speaker, Don Kinzler, horticulture educator, gave a live presentation via satellite on the top flowers for 2024. A question and answer session followed. Carmen Wave petunias, bi-color zinnia profusion and Sophie Cascade geraniums were just a few of the recommended flowers for this year.

Walter and Edna, longtime residents of Carrington appeared on the scene with their skit about garden old wives' tales. They mentioned the following and whether they were fact or fiction.

• Plant Potatoes on Good Friday - FICTION. The date for Good Friday can vary each year by a huge amount, so this is definitely not a reliable potato planting date.

• Killing Slugs with beer - FACT. Slugs are attracted to the yeasty odors found in beer. In fact, they love it so much they crawl into containers with beer and drown.

A few games of Bingo, raffle drawings and desserts finished out the informative evening.

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