The Official Newspaper for Foster County

County awarded $4 million paving grant

The Foster County Commission learned at their meeting last week that the county was awarded a state funded grant of $4,090 million for paving four miles of the Barlow Road, also known as Road 1602 (11th Street NE).

During the meeting held on Tuesday, April 16, county engineer Mike Rivinius told the board the four miles located near Grace City will most likely be regraded in 2026 and paved in 2027.

He also said that the four million will come out of $45 million available.

In other business:

• The county was not awarded grant funds for paving eight miles on the Club Hall road (road 1620 or 4th Street SE).

The letter from the state said they had over $432 million in requested funds for the Flexible Transportation Fund.

• A discussion was brought up about coroner pay.

Foster County Auditor/Treasurer Ellen Roundy presented the board with responses from other counties on what and how they pay their coroner.

Currently, public health and the county split the $1,800 coroner pay, $900 per year each.

Roundy asked the board if they want to continue that contract or make changes.

The board agreed to speak to current coroner Dr. Michael Page about the matter.

• The board heard from the new county emergency manager/911 coordinator Andrew Kirking who is also the emergency manager for Stutsman County.

Kirking said he attended a local LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) meeting recently and met some of the county's first responders.

• Roundy informed the board that the homeland security grant of $3,270 combined with the $11,000 from the county's general fund will pay for the new door security system for the courthouse. A motion was passed to move forward with the door security.

• Commission Chairman David Utke told the board that the school doesn't want to participate in the SIRN program because they use the county tower to communicate with the buses.

• Finally, the board discussed moving to online reservations for Juanita Lake camping sites.