The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Ukraine sponsorships fill jobs

The first applications were received and acted upon for the Uniting for Ukraine program offered by the Carrington City Council.

During the Monday, May 13 meeting, chairman Troy Roundy said they received grant applications from Tyler Carr, Mitch Page and Arlo Stedman.

Tyler Carr of Carr Construction and Mitch Page from Golden Acres Manor and Estates jointly applied for sponsorship of one family, with Carr funding the husband/father and one child and Page funding the wife/ mother and one child.

The husband will be employed at Carr Construction and the wife at Golden Acres Manor and Estates. Each individual is applying for $3,200 in funding reimbursements.

In addition, two Ukraine sponsorship grant applications were received from Arlo Stedman.

The first application is for a woman who has arrived and is married to an employee of Stedman Farms. She is employed at the Chieftain. The CCEDC recommended council approval for $3,100.

The second application from Stedman pertains to a wife and two children. The husband is employed by Stedman Farms, but is not eligible for funding. His wife works at Golden Acres Manor. The two children attend school and day care in Carrington.

The CCEDC moved to recommend a reimbursement of $4,500.

A motion was passed to approve funding for Carr's application and Stedman's applications.

The council also heard from Sheila Harrington of the Foster County Fair Board about a street closure for fair rides.

Committee Reports


• Carrington Fire Chief Ken Wangen reported that it has been quiet at the fire hall with only two calls for service including a false alarm at Cobblestone Inn and Suites and a motor vehicle rollover near Sykeston.

• Wangen said they have been busy with upkeep of the fire hall. They have installed half of the new lighting system, as well as cleaned the truck base.

• Finally, Wangen said they have received grant funds from the Carrington Community Endowment to help with the lighting project and purchase batteries and chargers for their SCBs.


• Roundy presented the bids the city received for the old office furniture. Bessette Motors bid $400.

Merdyna Guthmiller bid $513 for the John Deere riding lawn mower and Travis Carr bid $1,111 for the Wood rotary mower.

All bids were accepted.


• A grant funding application was received from Carrington CVB, Carrington Park Board and CCEDC on behalf of The Market committee for funding to expand the electrical hook ups in the City Park in the vicinity where The Market and other events take place.

The board recommended offering a maximum of up to $5,000 from CCEDC funds. No action was taken on this at the City Council meeting.


• Wolsky told the council that the final payment was made for the runway rehabilitation. They will be reviewing future plans for the airport in July.


• The security cameras have been installed with signage to be posted once the policy is approved.

• The Great Plains Food Bank Summer Meals Program will be run through the library. Anyone can come grab a "lunchable" like meal. They will be available for pick up Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4 - 5 p.m. and Thursdays from 9:30 - 10 a.m.

The program will be starting May 28.


• A motion was passed to spend approximately $9,824 to train officers on use of the new tasers.

Carrington Police Chief Chris Bittmann said he has already secured funding for this.

• A motion was passed to approve new cameras in the police vehicles.

• Finally, Bittmann said his department received 254 calls for service in the month of April.


• Councilman Doug Smith reported that the city has ordered 25 trees.


• A motion was passed to enter into a lease agreement with SIRN 2020 to have their equipment mounted to the water tower.

• Hydrant flushing, crack sealing and mowing work has all begun.

• Bids were received for brick repair on the armory. No action was taken. Armory hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.


• Carrington Public Works Director Jason Wolsky reported that he received 15 building permit applications in the month of April.

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