The Official Newspaper for Foster County

Pipeline work could impact rural travel

The Foster County Commission had some concerns at their last meeting when hearing from Garrison Diversion representatives about the Red River Valley Water Supply Project that is running through the south end of the county.

During the meeting held on Tuesday, May 21, commissioner Alan Scanson said he has concerns about the pipeline crossing on Jackson Highway as well as on the Kensal Highway due to them not providing a bypass route for traffic on the Bordulac road last year.

Kip Kovar of Garrison Diversion said to bore under those roads would cost them an extra $2 million, so they would rather cut the road to lay the pipeline.

They assured Scanson and the commission that they would be providing a bypass route on both roads for traffic.

In other business:

• The board heard an update on the courthouse basement project from Chris Thomas of EAPC Architects and Engineers.

Thomas said things are going well. He said the painting and wall tile is completed in the bathroom.

"We are waiting on the carpet and the floor tile is on site," said Thomas.

Finally, Thomas said social services should be able to move back into their offices the week of June 3.

• Foster County Auditor/Treasurer Ellen Roundy reported that the new emergency manager has been busy cleaning out the EM office in the courthouse and getting rid of old items.

• The board had a brief discussion on whether to switch the liner from county truck 3 into 1 and bid out truck 3.

A motion to move the truck liner failed. The board decided to wait.