The Official Newspaper for Foster County

New monument erected at James River Lutheran Cemetery

A new monument has been placed near the back fence of the James River Lutheran Church and Cemetery located on a hill between Carrington and Glenfield and south of Grace City along Highway 200.

The monument was erected "in Loving Memory of Ed and Gladys Munson. Gladys' Spirit was an Inspiration to Everyone."

The front of the stone contains the dates of the cemetery's establishment in 1918, as well as the church being built in 1919. It includes the inscription, "May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace and have everlasting life through Christ Jesus."

The James River Lutheran Church was first incorporated as the James River Norsk Lutheran Church of Haven by the State of North Dakota on July 31, 1918, through articles filed by founding members Sigvert Holland, Arne Ravendal, and Alfred Skaar.

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